Erasmus Society
In 1964, Latin School's faculty established the Erasmus
Society, which is unique to the school. The society
recognizes and encourages intellectual curiosity, interest
and achievement including – but not limited to –
formal scholastic achievement. Students in grades 10
through 12 who demonstrate academic excellence,
genuine intellectual curiosity and devotion to learning
beyond a concern for grades and college admission
are eligible for membership, which is awarded by
faculty vote.
The following students were elected to membership
this year:
Grade 12
Margot Babington, Laura Barker, Michael
Begel, Christina Bianco, Charlotte Collins,
Gabriela Dago, Brian Dhingra, Brian
Greenblatt, Sarah Heilbronner, Sarah Huston,
Lynden Lee, Ryan Lewis, Kristina Mensik,
Aaron Monieson, William Pritzker, Rachel
Stone, Kevin Ward
Grade 11
Adam Baughman, Victoria Bianco, Erik
Brandel-Tanis, Victor Bruene, Adom
Dumanian, Grace Ebach, Eugene Gorleku,
Tyler Hagedorn, Quintin Hall, Afrodite
Koungoulos, Carli Kovel, Victoria Lancaster,
Cameron LeCoque, Alexandra Lieberman,
Madeleine Mcardle, Annie Mcdonough,
Leah Mellett, Jacob Pharoah, Henry Pollock,
Jacob Schlossberg, Catherine Sharp, Cynthia
Trujillo, Madeline Turner, Blaike Young
Grade 10
Hanan Ahmed, Yulissa Arroyo, Elizabeth
Carlson, Caroline Chu, Eleanor Huzenis,
Claudia Johns, Zarrin Karimi, Jack Landsberg,
Brian Lorenz, Meredith Lostaglio, Elizabeth
O'toole, Catherine Pate, Mary Jane Porzenheim,
Christopher Quazzo, Julius Reiner, Chloe
Reum, Aidan Sarazen, Isabella Shindler
Students previously elected
Grade 12
Samuel Agler, Cameron Arkin, Amy Balmuth,
Samantha Cohen, Kristen Garrett, Nicole
Heckman, Gavin Hilder, Olivia Huzenis,
Andre Kaplan, Su Kim, Thomas Kloehn,
Matthew Lucas, Blair Marshall, Marjorie
Muller, Mehr Singh
Grade 11
Nicholas Azar, Jacob Cruger, Hedy Gutfreund,
Caroline Kaplan, Camden Olson, Yinga Xia