Latin School of Chicago

Latin School of Chicago Magazine Fall 2012

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1953 Andy Hedberg Tom Burrows writes: ���I was very happy that I was able to attend the annual Latin Alumni Gathering this past week. I was the sole representative from the Class of 1953 to be there. Andy [Hedberg] was planning on attending but at the last moment could not. We are hoping for a brilliant showing next year, which will be our 60th anniversary ��� I cannot conceive of this! To all of the Class of 1953, please make a note to attend. It will not be the same without you! We anticipate your presence next year! Also, my sister Wendy���s 50th! I am so proud of our school! If you care to respond, I will answer by e-mail. Con memorie felici.��� Tom can be reached at 1963 Bart Cameron Bob Balaban recently published his first book for middle school readers, The Creature From the Seventh Grade. The book details the adventures of Charlie Drinkwater from Decatur, Illinois, who begins to grow a scaly green coat once puberty hits. Bob visited Latin in October to discuss his book with fifth and sixth graders. To the delight of middle and upper school students and faculty, he also dropped in on a few acting classes and reminisced about his first performance at Latin. Look for the sequel to be published soon. Bob Balaban ���63 visits with fifth and sixth graders after reading to them from his new book and talking about his writing, acting and directing career. ���While many things inevitably evolve at a school, one thing is clear ��� Latin always has been and always will be about raising the bar for excellence.��� ��� Randall Dunn A commitment to a vibrant community of excellent students, faculty and alumni is the legacy of Latin School of Chicago. It���s a gift from past generations that we are mindful of building on every day and that the 1888 Society celebrates. If you have already made Latin a part of your estate plans, we would love to know so we can recognize you as part of the 1888 Society. If you haven���t yet made this commitment, please consider this easy way to build Latin School���s legacy for the future. Latin School is deeply grateful to the current members of the 1888 Society. Anonymous (4) Jill & Richard Almeida Armour Family Foundation, The Estate of Laurance ���41 & Margaret Boyd Armour ���50 Lorraine Arvin Andrew ���57 & Shaun Block Dr. Barry Bolewicz ���59 Peter Burrows ���56 Brent Reed Centlivre ���91 Gail Connelly-Baker Angela & Pedro Dago Dr. Richard A. Davis ���43 Jon & Marcia Opp Ekdahl Nancy Elmer Dr. Earl Fogelberg ���54 Dr. John J. Fudema Jr. ���46 Dr. Kendra H. Gaines ���64 The Estate of Betsy Needham Getz ���32 Ruth Connette Gray ���63 The Estate of Renez Greene ���74 Robert Grossman ���58 The Estate of Paul Guenzel ���27 The Estate of Virginia Hardin ���33 Mr. Bennet B. Harvey, Jr. ���52 Tom Hinkes & Suzanne Gignilliat Kirsten Ekdahl Hull ���95 Joan Barrett Kellogg ���65 The Estate of Christian M. Lauritzen II ���36 The Estate of Rhonda Malec The Estate of Perle S. Malkin The Estate of Ilda Marien The Estate of Marjorie C. Marston The Estate of Augustus Kinloch Maxwell, Jr. ���37 The Estate of Mrs. Frank D. Mayer ���27 Peggy and Teddy McNally ���60 Carol S. Mendelsohn ���69 The Estate of Margo C. Moss ���61 The Estate of Lewis Potter Murphy ���15 William G. Myers & Lisa K. Ross Lynn Orschel ���60 Lucy Emery Otzen ���62 Deborah Collins Papps ���56 Catherine Emmons Phelps ���62 The Estate of Mr. & Mrs. William H. Phillipson, Jr. The Estate of Elizabeth Alexander Richards ���37 Miriam Rivera ���82 The Estate of Martha Hood Roynon The Estate of Robert Schaefer ���41 Annie Schreiber ���98 Roberta Folonie Schuetz ���43 The Estate of Edwina Shamoon The Estates of Alice Slade & Brayton Slade ���26 G. Peter Smith ���44 Dr. Duke Nordlinger Stern ���59 The Estate of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Strasburger The Estate of Frieda H. Tenney The Estate of Owen Trayner ���29 The Estate of Hanna Tuteur Cynthia M. Vacin The Estate of Morrison Waud ���28 LATI N SCHOOL OF CHI CA GO 59

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