Latin School of Chicago

Latin School of Chicago Magazine Fall 2012

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Have a story or photo to share? Can you add your story to the photos here? email phone 312.582.6050 visit us online Class of 1960 on a field trip in middle school. Photo courtesy of Abra Prentice Wilkin ���60. ���The Riverview Ramble was an annual event in support of United Charities in Chicago,��� explains Lawrie Bowes Weed ���61. ���The amusement park was closed for the event. You bought tickets and had the run of the park one evening. It was not a school event per se ��� but the parents got together, and we all went as a group in seventh grade.��� Photo courtesy of Lawrie Bowes Weed ���61. Class of 1959 girls in first grade at Field Day, 1940s. Photo courtesy of Nancy Baker ���59. LATI N SCHOOL OF CHI CA GO 57

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