Latin School of Chicago

Latin Magazine Anniversary Issue: 125 Years. Our Stories. Our School.

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CLASS NOTES 1964 Bonnie Tansill Holmes Jill Goldberg Medlinsky Sally Nye Parris Save the date for our 50th reunion: September 19-21, 2014! Contact the alumni office ( or 312.582.6053) if you are interested in helping Sally and the committee with the reunion planning. 1965 Joan Barrett Kellogg William Arrott, Jr. reports that he has been appointed as Upper Cumberland Area Coordinator for Middle Tennessee Mensa, the high IQ society. The only membership qualification is scoring in the 98th percentile on a standard aptitude test. William scored 1343 on the combined SAT at Latin in 1964. The Mensa cutoff that year was 1300. The Upper Cumberland is a 14-county region of middle Tennessee, and there are currently 20 registered members of Mensa in that region. William's first order of business was to establish contact with the board of education special education coordinators in each of the 14 counties, advise them of membership qualifications for their students, and offer assistance with gifted children's programs. 1967 John Friedman James Christopher Akre '67. 136 L AT I N M AGAZINE Editor's note: Many thanks to John Friedman, who worked tirelessly to encourage alumni from the '60s and '70s to gather and help celebrate Latin's 125th anniversary. We are saddened to report that James "Jim" Christopher Akre lost his battle with leukemia on Thursday, September 12, 2013. A dedicated educator and Oregon's high school football coach of the year in 1990, Jim supported his community and its organizations in many ways, including preserving and writing about local history and serving on many local boards. We extend our condolences to his family, including brother Steven '65; Jim's wife Carole; son Ethan; daughter Erin; stepson Tim; stepdaughter Becky; his grandchildren; and his classmates and friends. Members of the Class of '68, celebrate their 45th at the Roman Reunion. Back row: Gerald Weisberg, Alf Persson, Frank Nims, Chuck Freilich. Front row: Catherine Olian, Frances Barrow, Lila Young Silverstein, Michele Wagner Stone, Linda Norian Goodman, Rae Luskin, Mary Wolbach Lopert, Richard Hyer. Not pictured but in attendance: Brooke Ferris and Shelley Stern. 1968 Lila Young Silverstein The 45th Reunion Class of 1968 celebrated its milestone in style with classmates from near and far. With Israel and Sweden represented by Frances Barrow and Alf Persson, respectively, the Class of 1968 won hands down for classmates having traveled the farthest. We are looking forward to our 50th in 2018! Brooke Ferris writes: "I was at Latin from age 5 to age 10. My parents then moved us to Caracas, Venezuela, where I had a marvelous life until the dictator Hugo Chavez appeared. Then life for all of us changed – our security, freedoms and way of living. During my many years in Venezuela I did remain in contact with some of my Latin friends. I went to Foxcroft School in Middleburg, VA, where a few Latin friends attended, then on to Trinity College in Hartford, CT, where another Latin friend attended. I live in Vail, CO, where I am an active real estate broker. Last year I took an amazing 75-day cruise around the Orient. This fall was my first trip back to Chicago and Latin for the recent reunion, and I had a great time reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. Please call me at 970.376.0531 when you are out in Vail for skiing, horseback riding, golfing or enjoying the numerous cultural events." Brooke Ferris '68 at the Ming Tombs in China.

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