Latin School of Chicago

Latin School of Chicago_Annual Report_22-23

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F I N A N C I A L S Latin's endowment is the most critical investment we can make in the future of our nationally recognized institution. Our endowment allows us to be innovative and agile as opportunities arise while remaining steadfast in support of our community. Among independent schools, those institutions that excel beyond benchmarks and pursue cutting-edge education over generations are, without exception, those with the strongest endowment. We aim to see returns that allow for a 4.5 percent draw, which is consistent with best practices being managed for sustainable growth. This ensures that we maintain the endowment's purchasing power over time. Here's how we responsibly manage our endowment at Latin: Our Board Investment Committee oversees all investment activity with advisement and implementation from a professional asset management consultant. All investments are guided by our disciplined allocation strategy, which takes into account specific and consistent targets and ranges. Latin's endowment is diversified across asset classes and managers to make sure we see the greatest returns. L AT I N ' S E N D O W M E N T I N V E S T M E N T P H I L O S O P H Y Over the last 10 years, $22.9 million in new funds have been raised, $21.2 million has been spent on operations and $29.5 million has been earned from the invested fund balance. The balance of cash and endowment pledge receivables as of June 30, 2023 is $67.2 million. $67.2 MILLION FY23 balance of cash and pledge receivables $80 $60 $40 $20 $75 $55 $35 $15 $70 $50 $30 $10 $65 $45 $25 $5 $0 Millions FY Total Value 18–19 17–18 19–20 14–15 20–21 15–16 21–22 16–17 22–23 T E N -Y E A R E N D O W M E N T H I S T O R Y 13–14 L AT I N S C H O O L O F C H I C AG O 1 0

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