Latin School of Chicago

Latin School of Chicago Magazine Fall 2012

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UP CLOSE CHUCK SEBASTIAN POSITION AND YEARS AT LATIN Lower school physical education teacher, 28 years WHY ARE YOU IN EDUCATION? To instill in my students the importance of making a positive contribution to their community, country and world. WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS AS A PE TEACHER? To provide a learning environment that is both physically and emotionally safe for all students, a curriculum that provides children with the most up-to-date tools for developing fitness, and a program that meets their individual needs. WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT TEACHING AT LATIN? Working alongside the Latin faculty. Their dedication to the field of education has motivated me to try to emulate the high standards that they consistently set. WHAT ARE THE BEST PARTS OF WORKING WITH CHILDREN? Witnessing the joy that students discover when they are able to successfully challenge themselves in physical activities or athletic competition. HAVE YOU READ ANY GOOD BOOKS RECENTLY? Warmth of Other Suns, Unbroken and Molokai. WHAT ARE YOUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES? I truly believe that the smallest deed will always be greater than the grandest intention. WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES AND INTERESTS? Serving as a volunteer for International Relief and Honor Flight Chicago*, participating in triathlons, reading, travel, water sports, back-country hiking and camping. WHAT TRAITS AND QUALITIES DO YOU ADMIRE MOST IN OTHERS? Honesty, compassion, integrity, optimism, self-confidence, commitment, good will, perseverance and respect. The determination to overcome and achieve against any obstacle. During my volunteer work I have met families who have lost everything due to natural disasters. Their faith and strength enabled them to carry on. I also admire the sacrifices those who serve or have served in the military willingly make. WHO HAS BEEN THE LARGEST INFLUENCE ON YOUR LIFE? My grandmother. I will forever be grateful for the values and work ethic that she instilled. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE QUOTE? ���What you leave behind is not the words engraved in a stone monument that matter, but what is woven into the lives of others.��� ��� Pericles *A non-profit organization that brings veterans ��� especially of WW II ��� to Washington D.C., at no cost to them, for a day of honor.

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