Latin School of Chicago

Latin Magazine Summer 2017

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Class Notes 1994 Sarah Hennelly Courtney Mayster Ken Davis and Lori Culbertson were married at Cafe Brauer in Chicago on March 18, 2017. Maria and John Millichap welcomed daughter Nina Nancy on December 27, 2016. John is a pediatric neurologist and epileptologist at Lurie Children's Hospital. 1995 Barbara Caioli Wood and Tommy Wood welcomed Ruby Letizia on January 21, 2017. Siblings Oliver, 7, Levi, 5 and Charlotte, 4, are over the moon! 1996 Lisa Lieberman Kaplan Tiffany Madigan Ashley Way and Chris Holinger were married in San Francisco surrounded by family and friends on January 14, 2017, including some very supportive Romans. ey currently reside in San Francisco full-time and just returned from their honeymoon, during which they skied in Austria, climbed Mt. Kilimajaro with National Outdoor Leadership School and went on safari in the Serengeti. Congratulations! Wedding festivities for Ashok Selvam and Shilpa Gupta began on October 7, 2016 with the Sangeet (opening party), culminating in the wedding the following day at the Peggy Notebeart Museum. Congratulations! Lesley Belden Sweeney and husband Ed welcomed Eamon Richard Sweeney on December 22, 2016. Eamon is pictured with big brother Edward and big sister Vivian, who are clearly enthralled! 1997 REUNION YEAR Marissa Gillman Eleannor Eiland Maajid Katharine Decker Papadopoulos dON't MISS Our 20th reuNION ON SepteMber 23rd! detaIlS aNd reGIStratION at WWW.latINSchOOl. OrG/aluMNI/reuNION Or phONe 312.582.6040. MarrIaGeS keN davIS '94 and Lori Culbertson on March 18, 2017 chrIS hOlINGer '96 and Ashley Way on January 14, 2017 aShOk SelvaM '96 and Shilpa Gupta on October 7, 2016 JereMy NOrkIN '99 and Mindi Marbin on November 12, 2016 Sarah SaMuelS '00 and Jason Taylor on October 16, 2016 lINdSay haGaN '00 and Amos Schallich on March 12, 2016 Latin Magazine ยป Summer 2017 41

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