Latin School of Chicago

Latin Magazine Summer 2017

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Alumni Association Roman Connections Words from the Alumni Association President Fellow Romans, I recently had the opportunity to speak to the Board of Trustees and the Parent Association about alumni involvement at the school. e task was an easy one, not least of all because we've had another year of incredible support from all of you in the alumni community. I was pleased to be able to highlight our fifth annual "Life After Latin" event, one that captures the essence of our many alumni programs. Forty speakers from different industries participated on 17 panels, directly sharing their wisdom and expertise with Latin students. From experimental physics to public radio, a wide spectrum of industries was represented. is is an important point of connection between our alumni community and those "future alumni," the current students. We hope that these young people will reach out to other alumni when they are in need of advice or assistance down the road. is is but one example of the multitude of ways that Latin alumni engage with the current generation of Romans. More than 90 alumni have spoken, advised, hosted Project Week groups or found other ways to connect with students. e students benefit tremendously from these interactions, but those participating alumni also value the opportunity to reconnect with the "Latin of today." Anyone who has been lucky enough to spend time around Latin students cannot help but be awed by their talents, inspired by their passion and grateful not to be competing with them for college admissions! Beyond those alumni who have found the time to return to Latin, there are plenty of others who continue to lend their support. To the 39 Alumni Association board members, 177 class representatives, 40 giving volunteers, and everyone else totaling 490 alumni in active service to the school – not to mention the 1,150 donors to the Latin Fund and Endowment – a most sincere "thank you" on behalf of the entire Latin School community. I'm also pleased to report some recent changes to the board of trustees by-laws that enhance the role of the alumni community in the governance of the school. In addition to the ex-officio representation of the president on the board of trustees, the new requirement for at least three non-parent alumni serving as trustees significantly strengthens alumni representation at the board level. I'm grateful the board has made this formal recognition of the important role that alumni play in the long-term stewardship of our incredible school. anks to all of you, as always, for all that you do for Latin. Go You Romans! Taylor Cope '01 President of the Alumni Association 46

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