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Junior Kindergarten Senior Kindergarten First Grade HISTORY & SOCIAL STUDIES LITERACY MATHEMATICS Reading and writing is taught through a workshop approach in which large and targeted small group instruction is utilized. Children are exposed to a variety of genres and authors throughout the year. Speaking, listening, word study (spelling), grammar, and handwriting are an integral part of our students' literacy development. These skills are taught explicitly as well as integrated into the daily context of their reading and writing. Reading: alphabet recognition and letter-sound correspondence, recognition of environmental print, recognizing rhyme, making inferences and predictions about books read aloud, sequencing and retelling main events of a story or book Writing: names, capital letters; label and explain illustrations, begin experimenting with inventive spelling Speaking: perform for each other and parents through poetry, songs, movement and story- telling, show-and-tell Listening: stories, conversations, group discussions, songs,rhymes, poems; understand and interpret the spoken word Reading: phonemic awareness, sound-symbol connections, sight word exploration and a variety of other literacy experiences Writing: Writer's Workshop, shared writing, thinking journals, letter and number formation Speaking: class discussions, partner pair shares, show-and-tell, news share, reader's theater and song shares for small and large groups Listening: stories read by teachers, group lessons and discussions, morning meeting and closing circle Reading: Reader's Workshop: large group, small group, and one-on-one instruction based on needs and goals, word study, guided reading, shared reading, read-alouds, independent and partner reading with leveled books and a variety of non-ction and ction texts. Writing: Writer's Workshop: large group, small group, and one-on-one instruction based on needs and goals, narrative, opinion, ction, and non-ction, shared writing, mechanics and grammar, handwriting instruction Speaking: small and large group presentations, express and clarify ideas, ask questions and engage in social conversation, present at a lower school assembly Listening: read aloud, directions, discussions. The lower school social studies program is dedicated to providing a sound understanding of the world in which we live and an appreciation for the rich diversity of humankind. The curriculum reflects an age-appropriate, multidimensional, project-based approach to the study of people and the land. The goal is to give students a sense of others and a context of their place in the larger world. Specific units of study integrate literature, music, art, social studies and, where appropriate, math and science. Units: New friends and new school, family holidays and traditions, seasons, transportation, Chicago connections Research: read class books based on ongoing observations and accumulation of facts Units: First six weeks/community building, all about me, the earth and water, and animals and their habitats amaze and wellness and the human body. Research: Animal adaptations in winter (migration, hibernation, torpor), study of a children's author Chicago Connections: Craft for Inspiration Cafe in Uptown, 100 year-old visitors from Little Brothers, Friends of the Elderly Units: Community: school and local, architecture, Mexico Research: Student-led inquiry during Mexico and architecture units Numbers and counting, shapes and patterns, sorting objects by various attributes, introduction to number stories, charts and measuring tools Numbers to 120, add and subtract within 100, intro to multiplication and division concepts, fractions with halves and fourths, time to the hour and half-hour, measuring with non-standard units, basic shapes, graphs and charts, money with all coins and bills up to $20 For the 2016-17 school year, first and third grades are joining second grade in using the Singapore math program, which teaches significantly fewer topics per grade level, but in greater depth. Fourth grade is currently using the Everyday Mathematics texts and will be adopting the Singapore program next year. There are two lower school math specialists who provide weekly support and resources to teachers and students in a whole class setting or in small groups. Students in grades 2-4 have the option to attend a weekly challenge word problem session. Units: Staying healthy, ecology & recycling, endangered animals, life cycles and metamorphosis Biology: vertebrates and invertebrates, skeletal system, life cycles Chemistry: properties of matter Earth science: rock cycle Astronomy: Sun, Earth and Moon system Hands-on science explorations and observations, walks to observe nature and record observations, research and recording of data from non-ction books and resource materials from the library Counting by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's; counting back from 20; sorting by shape and size; introduction to measurement; patterning with objects, movements, colors and symbols; ten frame explorations and story problems Science in the lower school encourages students to explore the world around them while introducing them to science concepts and vocabulary. In JK and SK, science is integrated into daily activities and thematic units. In grades 1-4, science takes place in a stand-alone classroom. Students develop observational and record-keeping skills by collecting and recording data, taking notes in science journals and making written observations. Process skills are developed through hands-on activities and investigations. Some of the most important skills for students are observing, collecting and recording data, and developing and using models and diagrams. Through cooperative activities, students construct explanations and design solutions. They engage in discussions based on evidence, and learn to communicate their ideas to others. Often, technology is integrated into the science curriculum. Students use iPads, laptop and desktop computers to explore concepts in depth, research, and use creative applications to present information. PHYSICAL EDUCATION PERFORMING ARTS VISUAL ARTS LIBRARY LEARNING RESOURCES HEALTH SERVICES ONLY AT LATIN COMPUTER SCIENCE COUNSELING/ CHILDREN'S ROUNDTABLE LANGUAGES Latin's language program seeks to encourage students to become motivated language learners and global thinkers, connecting to the school's mission of providing students with an educational program that embraces diversity of people, cultures and ideas. Latin has implemented a "best practices" program that stresses proficiency in language acquisition. The primary goal of the program is to build a vocabulary base that fosters communication and creates a degree of comfort with the language. An integrated approach to teaching enhances student learning and provides cultural connections in a stimulating and meaningful way. SPANISH Conversational language skills: Greetings and goodbyes; introducing one's self; counting up to 10; describing items using color and size words; commands, including: stand up, sit down, watch, listen; statements of preference Conversational language skills: Identity: describing one's self, family, friends and school environment; discussing weekend activities; describing the weather Conversational language skills: Routines; describing school classes, activities, and after-school and weekends; identifying home routines and responsibilities; expressing their preferences Our comprehensive physical development and health program is designed to help students learn to identify and work toward short- and long-term goals, to utilize fitness technology, to persevere in solving problems, to follow directions responsibly, and to work both independently and cooperatively with others. The program seeks to help students achieve active and healthy lives. Skill-building in games and sports begins with the premise that every child has athletic potential to be developed and celebrated. Physical education in the lower school emphasizes ne and gross motor skills through games, activities and sports that contribute to the growth, development and social attitudes of each student. e physical education program includes basic body management, skill development and improvement, visual-motor integration and spatial awareness. e program stresses civility and good sportsmanship for all. Low-level activities include golf, eld hockey, soccer, oor hockey, bowling, scooter activities, tumbling, mat games, yoga and Baggo. Multi-level activities include swimming, rock climbing and rope jumping. High-level activities include lacrosse, volleyball, softball, ag football, tee ball, softball and racket sports. Movement and P.E. class: students develop body awareness, negotiate time and space, and explore self-expression and creativity through movement, rhyming and music; children participate in yoga, dance and activities that support gross motor skills. The performing arts program in the lower school is represented by a predominantly Orff based general music program in grades JK-4, band in fourth grade, and dance/movement classes in JK and SK. The goal of the music program is to give every student rich opportunities to explore, experience, perform and create music of many genres and styles through singing, playing instruments, moving, active listening, writing and notating music, thus guiding students to become true appreciators of music performance and composition. Lessons that are planned to stimulate imagination, develop cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and critical thinking skills. Students study the musical concepts in depth and instruction is based on Orff Schulwerk and Kodály approaches to music education. Stages of learning are: Imitation – interactive teacher-modeled structures; Exploration – the opportunity to alter a musical experience through experimentation; Improvisation – creating music within structured frameworks; Visualization – the use of graphic or traditional notation leading to musical literacy and Composition – synthesizing knowledge to create and write a lasting piece of music. Technology is an integral part of the music curriculum. Students use iPads and laptops to access various applications that promote design thinking and allow them to store their work in digital portfolios. The music curriculum is a stand-alone curriculum that aligns with the National Performing Arts Standards and integrates elements from the language arts, mathematics, science, art, computer science and social studies curricula. Daily classroom art activities and exploration of art materials and media Projects: Self and family portraits; water color and tempera painting, eco-friendly art; JK Art Museum TREE HUGGERS JK students study ecology and endangered animals. e unit culminates with an in-school Earth Day parade aimed at sharing what they learned with others. Students develop ne motor skills and practice varieties of lines, recognize shapes, learn the color wheel, explore texture, construct a balanced and stable three-dimensional form, model a form in clay, learn about a range of artists and styles from dierent cultures. Integrated units: Community, architecture, Mexico, eld trip to the Art Institute of Chicago OUR KIND OF TOWN First grade students learn about our city's architecture through walking tours, creating 3-D structures and student-led inquiry. Daily classroom art activities and exploration of art materials and media, including collage, construction, printmaking, painting, drawing, and scrapbooking Sample projects: Self-portraits; painted wood sculptures; Earth and its Climates scrapbook DEAR JOURNAL Students begin each day with journal writing. is year-long exercise of both expression and organization results in a visual representation of each child's interests and development. In JK and SK, visual arts are integrated throughout the curriculum. The program in grades 1 through 4 familiarizes students with how art functions in different cultures and increases students' understanding of artists and how they use art to communicate about the world. Students learn about elements and principles of art through a wide range of media and techniques. Only at Latin In the lower school, the computer science program introduces students to key concepts and problem solving techniques. In the youngest grades, students learn concepts like sequencing through hands on activities. In the oldest, students have developed to a point where they are able to create interactive computer games. Weekly Roundtable discussions, stories and activities complement the pursuit of academic excellence and intellectual growth with a concern for the social, psychological and moral development of each child. Counselors visit junior kindergarten through fourth grade classrooms weekly for 30 minutes. They lead discussions and activities focused on "taking care of ourselves, each other and our school." Children's Roundtable is a preventative mental health approach promoting physical and psychological wellbeing and an increasing sense of personal control over one's own behavior and safety, fostering interest in and respect for differences among people, and supporting responsible, effective participation in small groups and in the community. The librarians meet with all lower school students. Goals are organized into four curricular areas: accessing information, evaluating information, using and creating information, and appreciating information and literature in all formats. The librarians collaborate with homeroom and special subject teachers to ensure an integrated curriculum. Students, teachers and parents are encouraged to visit the library to select materials for pleasure reading, for assignments and to satisfy natural (and encouraged) curiosity. The lower school learning resources program is designed to work with children who have diagnosed learning differences in collaboration with their families. Support is provided through individualized remediation, modifications, accommodations and/or consultative services. The primary goal is to meet the unique needs of our youngest students preparing them to be confident and resourceful learners. The lower school reading resource program is designed to support struggling and at-risk readers in senior kindergarten through grade four. Students are referred by their classroom teacher and work in small groups. In collaboration with classroom teachers, the reading specialist focuses on helping students strengthen core skills and develop strategies for reading and spelling. Latin employs two full-time registered nurses, one in the lower school and one to serve the middle and upper schools. The nurses provide immediate emergency care, do initial assessments and work with parents and health care providers to help children with chronic conditions remain healthy at school. They also educate students, faculty and parents about health issues and good health practices. SCIENCE 2016-17