Latin School of Chicago

Latin School of Chicago Magazine Spring 2014

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It has been a fantastic year at Latin School – full of celebration, community and stories. Thank you to everyone who helped our school to commemorate its 125th anniversary by attending an event, sharing a story, marching in the parade, participating in an anniversary- themed class project, sending in a recipe for the community cookbook, starring in a video or being one of hundreds of volunteers who helped make everything happen. As the year came to a close this spring, our lower and middle school students put the final touches on their wonderfully creative mural of the lower school song to decorate the rooftop playground on Dearborn and the Acts of Roman Kindness wall at 45 North Boulevard, leaving behind a colorful legacy for years to come. Meanwhile on a sunny afternoon in May, our students, faculty and staff gathered in Lincoln Park for one last hurrah. With music by student and alumni bands, cupcakes and plenty of blue and orange, the community took part in an exuberant year-end celebration of what it means to be a Roman at our school, sharing our stories. 1 2

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