"Without Latin I would have been a kid on the South Side of Chicago who never would have
heard of Billy Joel, or visited Wyoming for the second time in my life, or gone to Boston, or have
seen Pilsen, Humboldt Park, Logan Square, and Bucktown during one Project Week. I wouldn't
have attended the Student Diversity Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. this year. I
wouldn't be myself, or at least the best version of myself I could be. In retrospect I look back and
acknowledge that Latin is my home and that it always will be."
– Rufino Cacho, Class of 2015
Saturday, March 1, 2014
This year, as we celebrate 125 years of Latin School,
we recognize more fully our place in the City of Chicago
and the significance of our financial aid program.
In 2013-14, Latin will award more than $3.1 million in
need-based financial aid, broadening our student body to include
students from a variety of economic, cultural, and geographic
backgrounds, and thus enriching our entire community.
SCHOLARSHIP DINNER is one of Latin's most successful
– and most unique – events, and supports nearly one third of
the school's financial aid budget. Please mark your calendars for
Saturday, March 1, 2014. Together, we can shine a brighter light.
If you have questions about
the event or how to get
involved, please contact the
Alumni & Development Office
at 312.580.6040 or
Mary Beth & Phil Canfield
Suzanne Gignilliat & Tom Hinkes
Scholarship Dinner 2014 Chairs