Latin School of Chicago

Latin School of Chicago_Annual Report_22-23

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F R O M L E A D E R S H I P Dear Latin friends and families, As we mark the culmination of our first year at Latin, we are truly in awe of the deep, personalized, and purposeful student learning we see happening around us. Witnessing the impact of your generosity has been truly inspiring, and we are so pleased to capture and share that inspiration within the pages of our 2022–23 Annual Report. A priority during 2022–23 was launching our Portrait of a Latin Learner, at the heart of which is the idea of our students as change makers. The Portrait emerged from Latin's strategic vision LEAD and serves as a framework to guide the holistic alignment of all JK-12 curricular and co-curricular programs. Curious explorers, inclusive collaborators, critical thinkers, and creative communicators — all of these qualities and characteristics are critical 21st-century competencies students will cultivate in their time at Latin. Our strategic vision LEAD also inspired countless other efforts throughout the year. We were honored to witness the growth of all of our Latin Learners during the school year. Our co-curricular program returned to pre-pandemic levels, with activities such as Cyber Patriot Club, Medical Problem Solving Scholars, and over 40 different performing arts productions and concerts. And students participated in more than 2,500 hours of community engagement programming — from tutoring to blood drives. Finally, we celebrated two change makers of our own through the Extraordinary Academics for All campaign. Shelley Greenwood, Assistant Head of School, and Deb Sampey, Middle School Division Director, both retired at the end of the school year. Collectively, they served Latin for a combined total of nearly 70 years, championing such initiatives as our Financial Aid program and our innovative data-driven student insights. We are incredibly grateful to you, our Latin Community, for your sustained investment in our school. Your gifts to the Latin Fund, Romans Raise & Revel, and the many other initiatives throughout the year ensure that we continue offering a purpose-driven education that provides our students with life-changing opportunities today, tomorrow, and beyond. With gratitude, Dr. Thomas Hagerman Head of School Dottie B. B. Gordon Chief Development Officer Robert Chapman '78 Chair, Board of Trustees " C U R I O U S E X P L O R E R S , I N C L U S I V E C O L L A B O R AT O R S , C R I T I C A L T H I N K E R S , A N D C R E AT I V E C O M M U N I C AT O R S [ A R E ] C O M P E T E N C I E S S T U D E N T S W I L L C U LT I VAT E I N T H E I R T I M E AT L AT I N . " – L AT I N L E A D E R S L AT I N S C H O O L O F C H I C AG O 2

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