Latin School of Chicago

Latin School of Chicago_Annual Report_22-23

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1 3 When Shelley responded to an ad for a Director of Admissions role at Latin in 1993, she had little idea that she was on the precipice of a major career move that would lead to decades of meaningful growth and joy. Her first priority at Latin was transitioning the school's financial aid program to the Enrollment Office — a program which has grown to assist more than 150 students each year. Beyond this shift, she's helped to expand co-curriculars and served as Interim Head of School (twice!), among countless other roles. But one of her proudest contributions was working to establish High Jump as an independent organization. "I was so thrilled to be affiliated with a school that launched a program like this. It really was such a huge part of our civic responsibility as a school with many resources." S H E L L E Y G R E E N W O O D Shelley sees a bright future for Latin, rooted in a dedication to our Chicago community. "I, along with so many colleagues, believe in bringing broader experiences to our Latin students. It's important to go beyond the clothing and food drives and focus on empathy and action in our service work, and I see that happening. We need to recognize our privilege and understand how we should be using it for the betterment of our school and our Chicago community." What's next for Shelley? She plans to serve out the remainder of her term as a High Jump board member, continue pushing the independent school movement forward through several additional board appointments, and perhaps even join a choir. Most importantly, though, Shelley plans to stay close to Latin. "I could not imagine a more fulfilling career. I have formed deep friendships at Latin, and I can't believe how quickly these years have flown by. I am filled with gratitude." " I H A V E F O R M E D D E E P F R I E N D S H I P S AT L AT I N , A N D I C A N ' T B E L I E V E H O W Q U I C K LY T H E S E Y E A R S H A V E F L O W N B Y. " A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 – 2 3

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