Latin School of Chicago

Latin School of Chicago_Annual Report_22-23

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"I support Latin because I feel it's important to make sure future students obtain the same access to high-quality education that I received. I GIVE BACK IN ORDER TO HELP L ATIN FUND NEW PROGRAMS, CL ASSES, AND ON-CAMPUS RENOVATIONS ." – C O N N O R K A N I E W S K I , A L U M N I C L A S S O F ' 1 7 "I give to Latin because I believe in our commitment to fostering 'purpose and excellence' in our students, and I KNOW THAT OUR EFFORT TO CENTER DIVERSIT Y, EQUIT Y, AND INCLUSION IS A PROMISING WAY TO SEE OUR COMMUNIT Y CONTINUE TO THRIVE ." –K A S E Y TAY L O R , FA C U LT Y / S TA F F "The Latin community helped our children achieve unimaginable goals. WE CONTINUE TO REMAIN INVOLVED TO HELP OTHERS HAVE THE OPPORTUNIT Y TO RECEIVE A TOP-NOTCH EDUCATION, TO SUCCEED, AND TO POSITIVELY IMPACT THIS WORLD . Latin has changed our lives for the better." – A N G E L A D A G O , P A R E N T O F A L U M N I 1 7

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